Harnett Startup High Career Accelerator Camp
FREE Summer camp - Startup High
Startup High offers a Summer Career Accelerator where students will be immersed in the local business world for 4 full days this summer. Activities are designed to prepare students for their first job (or to start their own business) and include:
- Eating at Local Restaurants and Meeting Owners
- Face to Face Meetings with Innovative Leaders & Entrepreneurs
- Building an Online Portfolio
- Developing a Shark Tank Pitch
- Increasing Critical Thinking
- Networking Basics with LinkedIn
Your student is able to attend at no cost and may choose from the dates and locations below. You may choose your 1st and 2nd option when registering.
Each session will only have 20 students and they will fill up as the summer gets closer.
Date and Time
Monday Jun 26, 2023 Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Dates (Choose one when registering)
6/26-29, 2023
Alternate Dates:
7/10-13, 2023
7/17-20, 2023
Locations (choose one when registering)
Campbell University
Free for Middle - High School Aged Students